
"मैं बहुत आभारी हूँ सारथी ग्रुप का जो मेरे इस बुरे वक्त मैं मदद कर रहे हैं जिस कारण से मैं अपना डाइऐलिसिस करवा पा रही हूँ | सारथी ग्रुप का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद"
Momita Sarkar -Jaipur

"Sarthi-children educare is very supportive, no words about Sarthi if I'm doing study because of Sarthi"
Karthik Sharma-Jaipur

मेरी आयु 65 वर्ष है और अचानक हुए लॉकडाउन में हमारे पास ख़ाने का सामान भी नहीं था और हम घर से बाहर भी नहीं जा सकते थे ऐसे में खाने की दिक्कत आई सारथी ग्रुप ने हमारे घर में राशन दिया जिसके लिए हम उनके आभारी हैंe
मदन लाल शर्मा -Jaipur

The initiative taken by Sarthi Group to educate children is really commendable
Anant Maroo-Jaipur

Children Educare Society have a greater chance of escaping poverty, leading healthier and happier lives. By supporting them with good education and extra curricular, Sarthi Group is raising the standard of living for themselves and their families, leading them to a brighter future.
Anju Khanuja-New Delhi

The Sarthi Group is doing a marvellous job. It was a pleasure to meet those wonderful and creative kids. I wish them best for future endeavours and keep the spirit alive.
Adarsh Narang-Jaipur

“गरीब बच्चों की शिक्षा के लिए अच्छा काम कर रहे हैं |”
अशोक गुप्ता - जयपुर

“We can all agree that education is not only a solution to various social problems, but also a key to increase competitiveness of the whole population. As India is struggling with huge number of kids who are forced to drop-out of primary schools due to socioeconomic issues, it becomes evident that it is all of our joint responsibility to ensure that quality basic education is extended to include all. Children Educare Society is doing respectable work in tackling this issue. Inclusive growth is the only way to achieve sustainable growth.”
Heidi Uitto - Finland

“Every children deserves education but still millions of them do not attend school. Though the task is immense, the organization is continuing with all of its efforts to change the lives of children by providing them access to quality education. And i am sure that childeducare society will prove a model for others to follow..”
Ayushi Agarwal-Jaipur